Heavy duty review.

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Heavy Duty muscetricks.com






We were asked recently to trial ADVANCED PHARMAs heavy duty pro hormone. The results from another one of their products STORM,spoke volumes about this company and the quality of products they produce. So we were looking forward to trying this, in our mind we had already decided that this product was going to work and we expected gains and increased vascularity similar to the STORM.

Once more when training my mindset was immediately a far more positive one and drive was through the roof. Within weeks of using this product we saw lean gains with maybe a more pronounced effect than we had got using STORM. I have to say the only negative i can mention about this product is this, some of the weight i gained may have been water retention, ADVANCED PHARMA  recommend a clean diet when using pro hormones and I admit my diet was far from clean at this time. The resulting water weight was clearly my own use of sugars etc that were not part of the plan when using pro hormones. Whoops ! I will be trialling this product in the future and this time i will ensure that my diet will be on track.

Overall this is a fantastic product with great gains in size and strength.

Advanced pharma muscle tricks










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