I began training about 16. I bought a set of weights and a simple bench. There was a friend of mine at school who was actually bodybuilding and had come on a fair bit training at a local gym in Morecambe. I was a skinny kid at school, and I remember people taking the piss out of me when I first started training. I started to train with my mate after work when I was around 18 /19 and was starting to see results.

My first ever time going into a bodybuilding gym was unforgettable. Muscletone Gym in Lancaster was truly an old school gym ran by a monster of a man called John Bouskill. I had never seen anyone so muscular in my life . After a while we became good friends and eventually training partners. He saw potential in me and said I should compete. I did the usual precontest type diet and got 4th in the Novice Mr. Britain. That was the start of a successful bodybuilding career. By 25 I had won the BBBA Light heavyweight Mr. Britain and had several other titles to my name. In 1994 I won the NABBA NW Class 2 then had a break. In 1997 I tore my left bicep by lifting a welding gas bottle. I had it reattached but in doing so they damaged a nerve and I couldn’t curl my fingers properly. I had 6 solid months of physio and eventually got movement again in my hand. In February of 1998 about 14 weeks out from the NABBA NW again I decided to compete. My diet was the best it had ever been due to my ever-expanding knowledge and help from Matt Thompson and the legendary Kerry Kayes.

I hit the NW at around 90kg in the best and biggest shape of my life taking Class 2 and also the overall. I was absolutely blown away. The week after was the Britain so I thought yeah go on then. There were around 20 guys in Class 2 that year and I got 1st call-out. I couldn’t believe it!! I ended up a close 3rd behind Michael Johnson with Michael O Hanlon winning the class and also overall title. Fast forward to my 50s and I had returned to my trade as an electrician after 18 years of working the doors and felt time was slipping away. So when NABBA brought in the Over 55s I thought I would have a crack at it. I had been working in Rotherham and had contacted Chris Wormley who has Musclefactory gym in Swindon. I trained there a few times and got to know Chris. 7 weeks out from the UK he started prepping me. He is renowned for getting people in condition and I have to say he fully lived up to that. It was my hardest prep ever as I work 6 if not 7 days a week but I was absolutely shredded come contest day. I think I did over diet but after nearly a 25-year layoff I had to go with what I was doing for the end result.

Training wise has always been to failure. I train each body part once a week Monday Chest Tuesday Back Wednesday Shoulders Thursday Tris and Bis Friday and Saturday generally off and Sunday Legs That is always my split but swap days around now and again. My usual workday consists of the following 3.15 get up 4-5 train Post workout Pro Recover 5-5.45 grab half hour rest and get ready for work 6.15/6.30 meal 1 9.50 meal 2 12.30 meal 3 3.00 meal 4 7pm meal 5 Bed around 9/9.30 Precontest we have an extra meal before bed with cardio Nothing fancy. But variations in protein not just chicken and rice etc. I think as you get older you realise time is very important. I have a life away from bodybuilding so when I do decide to compete, I have to give it 100%. But I also feel that once you get to the point where you have very low body fat, it’s easier to keep in shape. If I could change anything it would be to of carried on competing after the 98 Britain. I competed against many athletes that went on to win the Britain and compete in the Universe. My greatest achievement would be to stand on the NABBA Universe stage before I retire. I’m currently being coached by a former NABBA Pro James Fleming who not only is my coach but also a very good friend. I have a fantastic training partner in John Harvey who is pushing me all the way this year so I’m hoping to be even better than 2022 when I do the NABBA England and the UK in November.

I couldn’t have done my past 3 competitions without the help of my partner Tracy. She does all my meal prep and keeps my head from falling off.